Endangered White Rhino Marking His Territory
16. 02. 2020 | Animals
RHINO HORN IS NOT MEDICINE!!!!!\r\n\r\nRhinoceroses have poor eyesight so their pathways are marked with scent, this shows you how the scent is spread...\r\nBasically the rhino has a midden/latrine site where he defacates, afterwards the rhino kicks the faeces with his back feet enabling him to leave the scent on the ground as he walks away.\r\nThe Southern White Rhino or Square-Lipped Rhino is endangered and numbers are dropping due to poaching. In 15 years the species may be extinct. \r\nFilmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger Park, South Africa

I sent this to my only friend. Now i dont have friend 😀😂
I could smell the smell from my screen :-))))